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Jeremy Redmond

Jeremy Redmond - Sports Handicapper Profile
Documented Handicappers
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Yes from 3 Reviews
About Jeremy Redmond:

I was fresh out of college when I landed my first big gig working for a major sports marketing firm in NYC. I worked with professional and major college sports teams, corporations and big businesses. After a few years I had worked my way up the corporate ladder while networking every chance I got. Fast forward 6 years and I am now handicapping MLB, NBA, NCAAB, NCAAF and NFL every spare moment I get. I work hard at every life endeavor and handicapping is no exception.

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By: raven2
Date: 02/10/10
Overall Review: 
(5 out of 5)
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I like Jeremy, been following him for 6 months and it has been a sound investment, more so than my stock portfolio! Documented Handicappers has set up a nice website and they arent run by big time vegas books either
By: Shevchek
Date: 12/08/08
Overall Review: 
(4.67 out of 5)
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Accuracy:  Free Content:  Easy Navigation: 
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not a bad option for only $20 per pick


By: B.Keller
Date: 09/22/08
Overall Review: 
(4.67 out of 5)
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MLB picks on the money!  I think Documented Handicappers is a pretty new site on the net but it seems to house some up and comers.  I use Jeremey for MLB and have for the last 93 days and he has helped increase my bankroll by over 10k.  I am a small player but Documented Handicappers has a nice set up so it\'s easy to track units or bankroll appreciation.  I highly recommend it.

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